Raising efficiency by 40% created higher value for our business

Management of workflow has improved in efficiency by 40 percent

In addition to the e-mail notification, Cyberhood takes the initiative to track the progress of each workflow document, so much so that those who are reminded to sign will be working on in. As a result, the average turnaround is shortened from five days to three. The responsive rate, too, for clients has also risen.
Ms. Elsa Zeng, Paperless PM
Abacus Finance Dept

Network of paperwork among locations

Case Info

Abacus is an information technology service provider from China Airlines. It offers solutions for tourist and leisure enterprises. As the business grows, paperwork piles up. The average missive turnover is about 5 business days, painstakingly.

Solution Cyberhood EIP
Requirements Multiple locales, cross-platform in an all-internet workplace
Organization Headquarters in Taipei, branches in the rest of island
System structure Basic distributed structure

Cyberhood meets our demand and helps with competition

"Paperless" workflow strengthens the business competition, speeds up administrative process, and lightens management workloads. Project manager, Ms. Elsa, assessed with her team Cyberhood Workflow and chose the solution without customizing the software. Scalable price and timing implementation makes Cyberhood the solution for Abacus.

Integration with IBM Notes

To make the change less painful, Abacus integraged Cyberhood systems with the original IBM Notes mail system. During launch, Kinghood Tech held two training courses for Abacus. It took a little over a month to move everything up to speed and running.