
Cyberhood Clustered Distribution System

Not enough HD? Add more. Not enough memory? Add more. When not enough space? Add a bigger server. However, changing servers means more than that. It also means worries of down time, euqipments and operating systems and compatibilities with current applications!

Cyberhood Systems has solved all such problems. Here's how:

I. Besides adding more hd, memory, and CPU, you can also add more servers. When a bank is clustered with customers, more clerks will be added on to better serve incoming customers. On Cyberhood Clustered Distribution Platform, adding servers or not depends on workloads (demand). The pictures below show that, as a single server is not enough, on Cyberhood distriubtion platform, more servers can be added on to form a distribution system. Such system makes sure that interruption wouldn't occur should one of the servers crashes on site.


  When a company branches out, it remote connection is becoming unstable. It is often the case with overseas connection. Cyberhood distribution internet platform allows your compnay to build distribution servers in branches. As shown below, every distributed cluster is being built on site. Every cluster can be one or more distribution server(s).
II. Cyberhood distribution internet platform offers open structure (see pictures below). It makes applications not limited by the server equipment and its system. You can use different languages such as C++, C, Pascal, Java, Ajax, Javascript to develop applications. Such Cyberhood environment also provides cloud service. All applications developed and run on such platform can easily become part of the cloud service.
III. Cyberhood Solution is a Hybrid Cloud Solution that integrates with both Private Cloud and Public Cloud on the distribution internet platform.(See the picture below)